Imperial Danby

Red Graniti ist zusammen mit Vermont Quarries Besitzer des suggestiven, faszinierenden Steinbruchs Danby, aus dem zum Teil unter Tage verschiedene Sorten Danby-Marmor abgebaut werden. Gemeinsam ist ihnen der weiße Grund, aber sie unterscheiden sich in Mustern und Maserungen. Dieser Steinbruch stellt die bedeutendste Marmorproduktion des Landes dar. Insgesamt arbeiten hier 30 Personen. Das abgebaute Material ist sehr alt und sehr wertvoll. Gemeinsam haben sie der weiße Grund, sie unterscheiden sich aber in Mustern und Maserungen.

Technische Angaben Steinbruch


Vermont, U.S.A.


200 m3

Imperial Danby

R.E.D. GRANITI and Vermont Quarries own the production of Danby Marble which comes from this spectacular and stunning underground quarry. There are different selections of Danby marble produced. All have the same white background but with varying levels of veining and coloring. Danby marble is one of the most important white marbles to the U.S market from both an historical perspective and current demand of white marble for kitchen counters. Danby marble has a very  low absorption rate (0.07%) which makes it ideal for all interior and exterior use. Interior designers everywhere are specifying Danby marble with great success.

Of the different selections of Danby marble, Imperial Danby remains the best known and most popular. With this demand Vermont Quarries is increasing its production to try and keep up with the demand. A new Imperial layer is now in full operation with good production.

Technische Angaben Steinbruch


Vermont, U.S.A.


200 m3

Imperial Danby

Red Graniti, insieme alla Vermont Quarries, è proprietaria della cava di Danby, una cava suggestiva ed affascinante in parte sotterranea, da cui vengono estratte diverse varietà di marmo Danby.
Queste sono accomunate dal fondo bianco ma si differenziano per disegni e venature.
Questa cava rappresenta la produzione di marmo più significativa del Paese e in totale vi lavorano 30 persone.
La tipologia di materiale estratto è antichissima e molto pregiata.

Tra le qualità di Danby, l’Imperial rappresenta il materiale di punta soprattutto per il mercato americano e per questo motivo nel 2006 è nata un’altra cava ma in sotterraneo, che produce il cosidetto Imperial Layer.

Technische Angaben Steinbruch


Vermont, U.S.A.


200 m3